Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fan of the Week Giveaway

A couple of weeks ago, I added the Fan of the Week App to the Twilighters Dream page!

Every week (on Sunday) it automatically chooses a fan based how much you posts on the wall, comments, like things or interact on the page. Too make this App more FUN I thought I would do a GIVEAWAY!!!

For those fans that are chosen by the App as the Fan of the Week, I will enter into a random drawing for a prize!!! Every Fan chosen from the first week until the weeknd of Breaking Dawn's Premiere will be entered. Your number for the giveaway will be the week that you were the Fan! 

The drawing will be held on Monday, November 21st at 10 pm EST. One lucky winner will win a special prize which will be announced at the time of the drawing. Here's a hint: It will have to do with Breaking Dawn!

Remember you can increase your chances by being ACTIVE on Twilighters Dream! :)

We've already had 3 Fans of the Week chosen. The app will choose a new Fan on the following dates: October 23 & 30, November 6, 13 & 20th.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome idea! I am sure I thought of it FIRST! HA HA TEE HEE =0) Can’t wait to see who wins!!!
    Love your blog Lisa! Miss ya! 3000 miles seem so far away! Oh, uh that’s b/c it IS!!!! ;/
