Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year 2014

2013 has been a truly phenomenal year for me!!! A lot of wonderful events happened and I have some amazing memories that will last a lifetime. I hope 2014 is just as fabulous!!!

Let the countdown to 2014 begin....3 hours to go for me on the East Coast!! No matter what country or time zone you're in or if it's already the New Year or you're still counting down..... I hope that at midnight you are with loved ones!!!

Have a happy and SAFE New Years Eve celebrating!!! I wish you all love, happiness and sparkly good times in 2014!! 


~ Lisa ~

Friday, December 27, 2013

SMD 2013 Camera Highlight Video

Just before I went to Forks for Stephenie Meyer Day this year I got a new camera. Just like most people I did not read the booklet on how to use it because all you have to do is point and shoot, right?!?!

Well apparently there is a setting on this camera that you can set for it to take short video clips EACH time you take a regular picture. Without me knowing this I had this setting switched to ON!!!

The result of this is a pretty epic video that was made by complete accident. While going through my pictures I found an 8:10 video that my camera automatically made by putting together the short videos from the pictures that I took!!!  #SMARTCAMERA

The video is so awesome and a perfect highlight reel from the EPICNESS that was SMD 2013!!! It did a better job of editing the moments together than I ever could. Thank you camera!!! I love you!! LOL

I am posting the video on YouTube for all to see!!!  TAKE A LOOK!! You’ll see TONS of familiar faces!!!  Canon Power ShotELPH 330 HS is #KeepinTheSparkleAlive!!!